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Essential Oils for Your Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Essential Oils for Your Astrological Sign: Scorpio

We can wave goodbye to the upbeat, airy, and social vibes of Libra as we step into the much more intense Scorpio season. This is the time of year when we can explore our deepest emotions and come to fully understand the most hidden parts of who we are. With this new understanding, we can be reborn into a new, stronger version of ourselves.

Scorpio is the eighth sign in the zodiac and is a fixed water sign with negative polarity. Being a fixed sign gives Scorpio unwavering willpower and the negative polarity ties them deeply to emotions. Scorpios' ruling planet is Pluto which is associated with the underworld and transformation. These elements combine to make Scorpio a sign that doesn't fear emotions and those with a Scorpio placement are usually quite comfortable exploring ideas and feelings that many others dare not acknowledge. Scorpios are passionate and feel everything with their full being. This passion tends to make them determined, assertive, and focused, to a level that is not seen among the other signs. Nothing can stop Scorpio when they face a challenge and they will leave no stone unturned when searching for the answers to their questions. Their strong will is one of their greatest features but they may quickly lose interest in something after having achieved their goal. They are more interested in the challenge and pursuit and are soon ready to move on to the next. Their strong will and emotional nature can also make Scorpios controlling and jealous. They like to have their way and aren't about manipulating their way into getting it. Scorpios are not kind to those that may cross them or get in their way, letting their inner destructive tendencies take over. They often experience guilt after bouts of anger when their deep emotional understanding takes back over. 

Those with a Scorpio placement are exceptionally intuitive and insightful. They feel comfortable in any position that allows them to see deep into a person and help them to heal the darkest parts of themselves. This makes them great listeners, counselors, and friends who always strongly support those around them who may be struggling with their demons. The passion that Scorpios possess can make them great friends who are intensely loyal. They will always be direct and honest and never forget any small act of kindness done for them. But, they are intense in all emotions, good or bad, so they will also never forget being crossed. Scorpios can be cutting with their payback so it is best to stay on their good side.

Those with a Scorpio placement enjoy exploring the emotional depth and have a nearly unmatched passion for the things they do. At times, they may need help keeping these extremes in balance to not lose themselves to the darkness. Essential oils have long been used to help us complement or balance out different aspects of our mind and spirit and can be used in aromatherapy and topical applications for those purposes.

Here are 5 great essential oils for Scorpio:

  • Patchouli essential oil is great for reeling Scorpios back in when they may have gone too deep into dark and hidden emotions. It helps to ground them back in reality and avoid becoming stuck in negativity.
  • Frankincense essential oil can help to get Scorpios out of their head when they’ve taken on too much of other's feelings or are too deep in their latest project. It helps to improve mental clarity and focus so they can get on to the next challenge. 
  • Ylang ylang essential oil can be a great tool to help lift Scorpios back out of the depth after some soul searching. It works to soothe sadness and stress while encouraging a more positive mood. 
  • Myrrh essential oil can be a great companion for the emotional ride that Scorpios often take. It can help encourage spiritual and emotional awakening while also helping to ground them when the journey is over.
  • Lavender essential oil can provide much-needed calming to Scorpios on the warpath after they feel they have been wronged. It can relax the body and mind to encourage a more forgiving nature. 


Deep Dive Emotional Support Diffuser Blend

Deep Dive Emotional Support Diffuser Blend

Scorpios can often play counselor to family and friends who need support exploring difficult feelings or taking a look at their inner self. This can leave them overwhelmed with their own emotions and those of others. Lavender, patchouli, and ylang ylang essential oil combine to help bring Scorpios back to a comfortable reality after a deep dive into their thoughts and feelings. Diffusing this blend can help to soothe the body and uplift the spirits when soul searching may have ended up in a dark place. 



Add water to your diffuser up to the fill line. Add drops of the essential oil blend. This diffuser blend recipe is formulated for a 200ml ultrasonic diffuser. Adjust the amount according to size and directions of your diffuser.


    Stay Grounded Aromatherapy Spray

    Stay Grounded Aromatherapy Spray

    Scorpios love to explore the deepest emotions and darkest secrets of themselves as well as others. It can be difficult for them to remain connected to reality when visiting such negative places at times. Frankincense, lavender, and myrrh essential oil come together to help them stay grounded and calm amid the emotional turmoil they may face.



    Add 2 ounces of high percentage alcohol to the bottle. Add the essential oils and fill the remainder of the bottle with witch hazel, leaving a little space at the top. Shake well before each use. 


    For more information on using essential oils for each zodiac sign click on the links below:

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